The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 1)
In order to achieve any goal, you need to clearly see this goal in front of you. Therefore, in order for the practice of yoga to be fruitful, you need…

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Advaita Vedanta. The doctrine of non-duality
"Everything consists of emptiness, and form is condensed emptiness." This is what albert Einstein said at the time. The 1994 Soviet scientific film entitled "Journey to the nanoworld" reveals the…

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Jivamukti yoga
Thanks to Margot's inspired tales, earlier this year I developed an interest in tasting Jivamukti Yoga. Well-directed intention always leads to the goal. In February in London, I got to…

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Yoga practice in varicose veins

What is varicose veins
Varicose disease is a common disease that manifests itself in the form of deformation of the venous vessels and disorders of the venous valves, which leads to a deterioration of venous outflow of blood.

With the development of varicose veins, the following consequences are possible
– changes in the structure of the vascular wall-its stretching, which often has irreversible consequences;

– change in the nature of blood flow-its slowdown or turbulence. When blood flow slows down, blood can thicken, which in turn can lead to blood clots;

– deterioration of metabolism in General and nutrition of organs and tissues in particular. Continue reading

Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 3)
It is worth mentioning that the Shankha-Prakshalana also frees a person from the conditions experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, toxins…


Yoga paired - a new degree of freedom
On Saturdays, we pay practical attention to working in pairs. Yoga with a partner is not just a "fun", it is a deep spiritual, I am not afraid of the…


Yoga dictionary. Purusha
This is the original pure consciousness of the universe, which contemplates the female aspect-Prakriti. Purusha in interaction with Prakriti and under the influence of the gunas begins to create the…
