Yoga dictionary. Vritti
More often than not, the mind is either in a state of experiencing the past or planning for the future. This forces a person to experience many times again the…

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Briefly about the main directions and types of yoga
Hatha Yoga is the yoga of the body. The word hatha consists of two syllables - ha and tha. The syllable ha means "the sun," and the syllable tha means…

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Advaita Vedanta. The doctrine of non-duality
"Everything consists of emptiness, and form is condensed emptiness." This is what albert Einstein said at the time. The 1994 Soviet scientific film entitled "Journey to the nanoworld" reveals the…

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Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (part 3)

Practice Format
According to tradition, two forms of training are used in Ashtanga yoga: Ice class and Mysore class.
An ice class is a lesson that is held at the expense of the teacher. The whole group synchronously performs the sequence, rebuilding their breath under this score. Practitioners perform the same asanas, following the instructions of the teacher. The teacher calls the asanas, marks the beginning of the inhalation and exhalation, gives instructions on how to build up the asana, hold the bandhas and direct your gaze (drishti).
The Mysore class (got its name from the city of Mysore, where the ashtanga yoga school founded by Pattabhi Jois is located) is a lesson in which the practitioner, independently of others, performs a sequence in the rhythm of his breathing, at a pace convenient for him. Continue reading

About the Vedas. About future
About the Vedas. About future. As I wrote earlier, the Vedas describe the laws and rules of human life and society. These rules are based on the laws of the…


Yoga dictionary. Kaivalya
In the modern world there are many interpretations of this concept. Freedom can be on the economic level, mental, material, spiritual and so on. In most cases, when it comes…


Ashtanga yoga with Lino Miele
July 7-9, I was fortunate enough to participate in the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, in Haapsalu, at a summer camp with Lino Miele. I would like to share some impressions.…
