Yoga dictionary. Vritti
More often than not, the mind is either in a state of experiencing the past or planning for the future. This forces a person to experience many times again the…

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Yoga dictionary. Dukkha
Patanjali in his Yoga sutras pays much attention to this. He considers such a term as "Dukha". Also, this term is widely used in Buddhism, being one of the Central…

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Jivamukti yoga
Thanks to Margot's inspired tales, earlier this year I developed an interest in tasting Jivamukti Yoga. Well-directed intention always leads to the goal. In February in London, I got to…

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About the Vedas. About future

About the Vedas. About future.
As I wrote earlier, the Vedas describe the laws and rules of human life and society. These rules are based on the laws of the Universe, on the knowledge of the interaction of the male and female principles, and were specially given to people, because the sages of antiquity understood that the strength of the state lies in the strength of its citizens. The strength of citizens is not physical strength, it is the inner strength of the consciousness of citizens. First, certain powers were taken away from people by knowledge. Then they deliberately and for a long time destroyed consciousness. This was done on purpose, because if people take away knowledge, and if they are given a substitute for happiness, in the form of alcohol, which can completely destroy even the most subtle mind, then you can be sure that society will be destroyed sooner or later. Continue reading

Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 1)
This complex, amazing in its effect on the body and psyche, is an integral part of any yoga practice. Different yoga schools may have slightly different performance. Swami Satyananda Saraswati…


Between us girls .... On the practice of yoga on critical days
At some intervals, I encounter the need to explain to beautiful yogis about practice on critical days. There are many opinions, many myths about this. I hope that my opinion…


Yoga paired - a new degree of freedom
On Saturdays, we pay practical attention to working in pairs. Yoga with a partner is not just a "fun", it is a deep spiritual, I am not afraid of the…
