Yoga dictionary. Viparea
Everything is conditioned by the perception of the one who experiences this or that event. The perception of reality is influenced by the so - called "Vritti"-fluctuations of the mind,…

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Standing on nails: benefits and harms
"Disease comes as quickly as a wall falls, and leaves as slowly as silk is unwound," says an ancient Eastern wisdom. The problem is that any disease first manifests itself…

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Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 1)
This complex, amazing in its effect on the body and psyche, is an integral part of any yoga practice. Different yoga schools may have slightly different performance. Swami Satyananda Saraswati…

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Yoga dictionary. Vairagya

This is the phenomenon on which all suffering in the material world is based. Being attached to objects of pleasure, to the comfort zone, to a habitual state of Affairs, a schedule of life, Outlook and so on, the person is doomed to sufferings. This is due to the impermanence of the material world. No material object can exist forever. Everything that is created will be destroyed sooner or later. Moreover, even what lies beyond the material – our own thoughts, feelings, perceptions, concepts, mental patterns, and so on – is also subject to constant change. And what yesterday people considered good, today can be considered evil despite the fact that the external situation has not changed. Due to constant changes in the external and internal world of man, everything to which a person is attached, sooner or later destroyed, or rather – is modified. Continue reading

Yoga dictionary. Vivec

And from the absolute point of view, these concepts are very conditional. What in one situation is poison to one person is medicine to another, and Vice versa. And the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong often turn into dogmas that cause no less harm than the absence of any principles and rules at all. In his philosophical treatise on yoga, Patanjali described such a phenomenon as “Viveka”. And this is the key to understanding how to distinguish black from white. Moreover, it is the key to understanding that life is not a black-and-white film and in addition to these two colors there is a whole range of colors.

In Sanskrit, Viveka means ‘discrimination’. This concept is revealed in Sutra 24, Chapter 4. One of the most curious translations of this Sutra is that of falkow, and His version of the Sutra reads as follows:”for one who has attained mastery of discernment, the contradictions of the nature of the soul are mitigated.” The point is that all contradictions exist only at the level of the mind. Continue reading

Four kinds of karma
Being under the illusion that the world around us is not just hostile to us, but, moreover, unfairly hostile, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to develop. Because if a…


Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 3)
It is worth mentioning that the Shankha-Prakshalana also frees a person from the conditions experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, toxins…


Oh teacher
I was recently invited again to Radio 4 in the morning air - to talk a little about yoga and about our upcoming yoga camp in Spain. Before turning on…
