Yoga dictionary. Kaivalya
In the modern world there are many interpretations of this concept. Freedom can be on the economic level, mental, material, spiritual and so on. In most cases, when it comes…

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Yoga blocks and their superpowers
The bricks are used to "raise the floor", bring it closer to the student and thereby facilitate the presence in the asana. And now more specifically: what gives the use…

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About the Vedas. About future
About the Vedas. About future. As I wrote earlier, the Vedas describe the laws and rules of human life and society. These rules are based on the laws of the…

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Yoga Nidra – magical yogic dream (part 2)

At the same time, you should know that during the advancement of your consciousness you inevitably go through the sphere of hypnosis, which can disconnect you from yoga nidra. However, if you have not lost your awareness of the yoga nidra process, this vigilance continues automatically. During the practice of yoga nidra, consciousness remains active, we develop the ability to consciously observe, but not analyze. The main difference from hypnosis is that the practitioner does not lose his free will. If the process is not to his liking, he is always free to stop it. In addition, the very “grain” that is laid in the fertile soil of the subconscious or the so-called “sankalpa” (affirmation) – the practitioner formulates for himself. The instructor is just a guide offering you a specific technique and never forcing a process and not subordinating practitioners to his will.

You will like the answer You need to lie down and … do nothing. That is, absolutely, absolutely. You don’t even have to concentrate or strain in any particular way. The only thing you need to try to do is not to fall asleep, listen to the voice of the presenter and understand what was said. That is, to remain alert, awake. But even if you fall asleep for a moment – it’s okay, you get enough sleep in these few minutes. Although, in the strict sense of the word, it will no longer be Yoga Nidra.
A yoga nidra session can last from 20 minutes to 60. During this time, you are asked to direct your attention to various parts of the body, breathing, visualize images and just observe the inner space. At some point, the host will ask you to formulate your “sankalpa” or the so-called “The formula of firm determination” is that very important transforming element. (“Sankalpa” – is translated from Sanskrit as “decision”, “determination”.)
Sankalpa should be clear, concrete and short, in the present tense and in a positive way, i.e. negative words and “no” particles should be avoided. For example, “I don’t get sick” is a bad sankalpa. “I am absolutely healthy and full of vitality” – a good sankalpa. Sankalpa can concern health, traits of your character, personality, your spiritual life. It cannot be directed at another person, much less to his detriment.
In yoga nidra you do not fight with your mind or beliefs. On the contrary, lower the reins of the mind and urge it to wander freely, otherwise the stream of consciousness will be blocked and immersion in the inner Self will not work. The most important thing in yoga nidra is simply to substitute yourself under the instructions of the teacher and contemplate any pop-up experience quite consciously and abstractly.
The principle of action in yoga Nidra: a relaxed body relaxes the mind.
It is known and proven by medical science that in our brain there is a virtual “map” of our entire body. When the sensory-motor region of the cerebral cortex is stimulated, which exactly corresponds to certain parts of the body, the corresponding part of the body responds – it increases electrical activity, improves blood microcirculation. The brain is a physical mediator of consciousness, because he binds the mind, feelings and body into one harmonious unity. Consistent movement of consciousness through the body contributes not only to physical relaxation, it refreshes and cleanses the nerve channels that go to the brain and control both physical activity and the flow of information. So yoga nidra relaxes the mind with a relaxed body.
Yoga nidra also frees enslaved vital energy – prana – due to the fact that all attention and our senses are diverted at that moment from the crowning perception and then vital energy can flow to other parts of the body, organs for their healing and recovery. Somatopsychic recovery occurs.
But the most important thing is that with regular practice of yoga nidra we do not just rest, but restructure, transform our entire personality as a whole. With each new activity, we burn old samskaras — habits and trends — in order to be reborn renewed to a new life. No wonder they say that the transformation of thinking is a transformation of existence.

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