The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 3)
Knowing yourself, you can also learn to understand other people, see what prevents them from being truly happy. This work is even more energetically powerful and more subtle than pranayama,…

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Yoga dictionary. Vitarka
By and large, we achieve some kind of" enlightenment " every day. Any awareness of anything, any life lesson passed-this is a kind of"enlightenment". Therefore, enlightenment is an endless process,…

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Jivamukti yoga
Thanks to Margot's inspired tales, earlier this year I developed an interest in tasting Jivamukti Yoga. Well-directed intention always leads to the goal. In February in London, I got to…

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corresponding part

Yoga Nidra – magical yogic dream (part 2)

At the same time, you should know that during the advancement of your consciousness you inevitably go through the sphere of hypnosis, which can disconnect you from yoga nidra. However, if you have not lost your awareness of the yoga nidra process, this vigilance continues automatically. During the practice of yoga nidra, consciousness remains active, we develop the ability to consciously observe, but not analyze. The main difference from hypnosis is that the practitioner does not lose his free will. If the process is not to his liking, he is always free to stop it. In addition, the very “grain” that is laid in the fertile soil of the subconscious or the so-called “sankalpa” (affirmation) – the practitioner formulates for himself. The instructor is just a guide offering you a specific technique and never forcing a process and not subordinating practitioners to his will. Continue reading

Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 3)
Beneficial action An obvious feature of Surya Namaskar is that it is an exercise for the whole body. The back bends back and forth, arms and legs bend and straighten,…


Yoga dictionary. Vasana
According to another version, character traits are already genetically determined, and it is only possible to partially adjust the character of the child in the process of education. From the…


The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 1)
In order to achieve any goal, you need to clearly see this goal in front of you. Therefore, in order for the practice of yoga to be fruitful, you need…
