Yoga paired - a new degree of freedom
On Saturdays, we pay practical attention to working in pairs. Yoga with a partner is not just a "fun", it is a deep spiritual, I am not afraid of the…

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Briefly about the main directions and types of yoga
Hatha Yoga is the yoga of the body. The word hatha consists of two syllables - ha and tha. The syllable ha means "the sun," and the syllable tha means…

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Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 3)
Beneficial action An obvious feature of Surya Namaskar is that it is an exercise for the whole body. The back bends back and forth, arms and legs bend and straighten,…

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Yoga dictionary. Vivec

And from the absolute point of view, these concepts are very conditional. What in one situation is poison to one person is medicine to another, and Vice versa. And the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong often turn into dogmas that cause no less harm than the absence of any principles and rules at all. In his philosophical treatise on yoga, Patanjali described such a phenomenon as “Viveka”. And this is the key to understanding how to distinguish black from white. Moreover, it is the key to understanding that life is not a black-and-white film and in addition to these two colors there is a whole range of colors.

In Sanskrit, Viveka means ‘discrimination’. This concept is revealed in Sutra 24, Chapter 4. One of the most curious translations of this Sutra is that of falkow, and His version of the Sutra reads as follows:”for one who has attained mastery of discernment, the contradictions of the nature of the soul are mitigated.” The point is that all contradictions exist only at the level of the mind. Continue reading

Shankha Prakshalana – yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 1)

Shankha (Skt. Shankha) – means “mollusk shell”, prakshalana (Skt. Prakshalana) – complete washing, purification. Shankha-Prakshalana (SHP) – the practice of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Ancient people were observant: mollusks wash their shell, sucking and pushing water out with muscular effort. The common name for SHP is translated as “Shell gesture”. The SH procedure consists of drinking salted water, performing a series of special exercises that push water through the digestive tract until it is evacuated through the anus, and following the instructions for a subsequent diet that ensures the formation of pristine microflora. Thus, this is a natural, reliable, simple and soft method removing accumulated toxins and cleansing the entire digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. Continue reading

Jivamukti yoga
Thanks to Margot's inspired tales, earlier this year I developed an interest in tasting Jivamukti Yoga. Well-directed intention always leads to the goal. In February in London, I got to…


Powerful Karma Cleansing Meditation
Now, at the end of the lunar cycle - it is especially good to do various purification practices - both for the body and for consciousness. We share with you…


The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 3)
Knowing yourself, you can also learn to understand other people, see what prevents them from being truly happy. This work is even more energetically powerful and more subtle than pranayama,…
