Jivamukti yoga
Thanks to Margot's inspired tales, earlier this year I developed an interest in tasting Jivamukti Yoga. Well-directed intention always leads to the goal. In February in London, I got to…

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The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 2)
The importance of asanas in yoga practice So, yoga classes begin with oneself, with one’s lifestyle and with a restructuring of one’s thinking. Yoga is primarily an internal individual work…

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Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (part 1)
What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga? P49A6399 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic practice, which includes sequences of asanas, interconnected by sets of movements - vinyasas, and performed together with Ujayi-pranayama…

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The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 1)

In order to achieve any goal, you need to clearly see this goal in front of you. Therefore, in order for the practice of yoga to be fruitful, you need to understand exactly what we expect from the practice, what the result should be. The sage Patanjali has long described the 8 steps of classical yoga. These steps are also called ashtanga yoga (Ashta translates as eight from Sanskrit). These steps are as follows: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. That is, the ultimate goal of yoga is samadhi.

So what is samadhi? Samadhi is a state of direct comprehension of reality. This condition is also called enlightenment. Enlightenment from the word “light.” Light is what illuminates the darkness. So there must be darkness and light? What is this darkness and what is this light?

ABOUT LOVE, samadhi, knowledge and ignorance
Light is the Divine light of our immortal soul, our consciousness, created by God in His image and likeness, and therefore eternal and able to create. Therefore, enlightenment is a person’s experience of comprehending his true reality, the answer to the eternal question Who am I? Many books have been written about this condition, but only personal experience has true value for a person. A person who has experienced the experience of samadhi will never become the same as before, because it becomes obvious to him that everything in the world is interconnected, and causing pain to anyone – a person, plants, animals, the planet or the whole world as a whole – we inflict this pain on ourselves too.

A person who has survived this state understands that there are eternal, Divine values ​​and rules of life established by Him, and there are people who do not know these rules and constantly violate them. The Vedas are ancient laws left to humanity by rishis, sages. These laws apply to all aspects of human life – the economy, health, family relationships, politics and ethics. The Vedas are translated as knowledge, to know means to know, the Vedun means healer, and the witch is a woman who has knowledge … unfortunately, the true meaning of this word has been lost and perverted by religious fanatics. In turn, ignorance is a lack of knowledge. And an ignoramus is a person who does not know the laws of God. By the way, the word LOVE can be interrupted as GOD PEOPLE Enter …

Unfortunately, humanity is currently going through dark times. People live in ignorance, unsure of themselves, in friends, spouses and children, work partners, unsure of tomorrow. True enlightenment is the comprehension of the light of knowledge about who we really are. Such a person is internally holistic, he does not have a feeling that he was cheated by something and is worse or better than someone else. Such a person will always strive to live in harmony and peace with himself and with the whole world. This is the true goal of yoga – unity with oneself and with the world (yoga is translated as unity, communication, union). That is, the state of samadhi is that experience that allows a person to realize that he is not separated from the rest of the world, but is one with him.

About the divine rules of life. Divine Safety
But it’s impossible to go to the last grade of the school without having completed the initial training. Therefore, in order to achieve this state of peace in the soul, harmony and happiness, a lot of work needs to be done. So, the first and second stage of yoga is yama and niyama. Pit and niyama – these are the very rules created by the Lord himself for people in order for people to have a happy life. From a physical and energetic point of view, following the rules of the pit and niyama allows a person to remain healthy, happy and full of vitality. Failure to comply with these rules leads a person to suffering and illness. The pit is also the name of the God of Death. Therefore, ignorance and non-observance of these rules leads a person to both physical and spiritual death. Niyama is what helps to avoid Yama. Therefore, the rules of the yama-niyama are inextricably linked with each other. So, the rules themselves:

Pit Rules:

Ahimsa (non-violence, including in relation to oneself)
Satya (veracity)
Asteya (not misappropriation of a stranger, not theft)
Brahmacharya (abstinence from unnecessary, unreasonable)
Aparigraha (not attachment – to people, the fruits of their activities, etc.)
If you carefully look at these rules, you can see that non-compliance with these rules really leads to physical and spiritual death – to wars, deceit and intrigue, the seizure of other people’s property, depravity and dependence on sensitive pleasures. Failure to comply with these rules energetically depletes a person, because a person who has committed a bad deed knows about it, and knowledge of his guilt destroys inner integrity. Man is trying to create a false identity – one that justifies his bad actions. Thus egoism arises – greed, stinginess, cunning, pride, etc.

Niyama Rules:

Shaucha (internal and external cleanliness)
Santosha (satisfaction with what you have)
Tapasya (self-discipline)
Svadhyaya (self-training, self-improvement)
Ishvara Pranidhana (dedication of the fruits of all his deeds to God, the Highest principle)
If you carefully look at the rules of niyama, it will become obvious that the practice of these inner qualities can save a person from rash actions and from life mistakes that are the cause of people’s suffering.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (part 3)
Practice Format According to tradition, two forms of training are used in Ashtanga yoga: Ice class and Mysore class. An ice class is a lesson that is held at the…


Why are rituals needed in life?
Previously, in ancient times people didn’t even go hunting for a mammoth without a ritual - without some symbolic action that carries a certain meaning. It is the conscious meaning…


Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 3)
It is worth mentioning that the Shankha-Prakshalana also frees a person from the conditions experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, toxins…
