Yoga dictionary. Vairagya
This is the phenomenon on which all suffering in the material world is based. Being attached to objects of pleasure, to the comfort zone, to a habitual state of Affairs,…

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Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 3)
Beneficial action An obvious feature of Surya Namaskar is that it is an exercise for the whole body. The back bends back and forth, arms and legs bend and straighten,…

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Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 3)
It is worth mentioning that the Shankha-Prakshalana also frees a person from the conditions experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, toxins…

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necessary compression

Shankha Prakshalana – yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 2)

Many diseases are directly or indirectly associated with the accumulation of toxic waste in the intestines. Shankhaprakshalana removes all contaminants from the digestive tract and thereby helps cleanse the circulatory system. This leads to an amazing and very noticeable improvement in overall health, and also helps to get rid of specific ailments. In particular, shankhaprakshalana was useful in the treatment of allergies, diabetes, high acidity, constipation, dysentery, and many other diseases associated with unclean blood – for example, acne and furunculosis. The procedure also has a choleretic effect, cleanses the liver.
Those who feel good can also do shankhaprakshalana, because it can improve their health, allowing them to feel easier, more fun, and enjoy life more. In addition, it will help them think more clearly (again, through improved nutritional quality of blood flowing to the brain). Continue reading

Yoga dictionary. Vritti
More often than not, the mind is either in a state of experiencing the past or planning for the future. This forces a person to experience many times again the…


Yoga dictionary. Vikalpa
Translated from Sanskrit "vikalpa" means "fantasy", "imagination". In the yoga sutras Patanjali gives a detailed explanation of such phenomena as Vritti. In the Sutra of the fifth Chapter of the…


Yoga dictionary. Kaivalya
In the modern world there are many interpretations of this concept. Freedom can be on the economic level, mental, material, spiritual and so on. In most cases, when it comes…
