Complex “Surya Namaskar” – Salutation to the Sun (part 4)
Muscles and skeleton: Surya Namaskar trains all the major muscles and joints of the body. The muscles contract and stretch, and all the contaminated, stagnant blood goes to the lungs and kidneys for cleaning. This is a great method to warm up the body before doing asanas.
Subtle influences: Surya Namaskar can bring many additional and, possibly, more important benefits than purely physical ones. It depends on your attitude. If you do the exercise consciously, and fully surrendering to the recitation of mantras, breathing and movements, it will lead to a calming mind. Therefore, it is very useful for eliminating emotional conflicts, neurosis and stress, especially if it is supplemented by other yoga practices. If a person is prone to piety, then he can do the exercise with a full understanding of the importance of sun worship. It will cleanse his heart and mind. Continue reading