Yoga dictionary. Prakriti
There is such a thing as Prakriti in the philosophy of the Sankhya school. The term is also mentioned in the Yoga sutras of Patanjali. Prakriti is considered to be…

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Standing on nails: benefits and harms
"Disease comes as quickly as a wall falls, and leaves as slowly as silk is unwound," says an ancient Eastern wisdom. The problem is that any disease first manifests itself…

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Why are rituals needed in life?
Previously, in ancient times people didn’t even go hunting for a mammoth without a ritual - without some symbolic action that carries a certain meaning. It is the conscious meaning…

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About Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is a “narrowly focused” yoga, which synthesizes knowledge of modern medicine and physiology with ancient yogic knowledge about a person and is aimed at eliminating a particular disease / pathological condition – that is, yoga is used as a method of treatment. With the help of yoga exercises (asanas), breathing practices (pranayamas), purification practices (shatkarmas) – you can create a miracle to restore your body and health. All that is required is to have enough discipline to practice regularly. An hour and a half practice a day is, in my opinion, a good alternative to a scalpel or tablets, which usually “treat one and cripple the other” and have a temporary effect. Yoga therapy is a natural, natural way to restore health. Yoga therapy is literally an investment in your health and longevity. Continue reading

Oh teacher
I was recently invited again to Radio 4 in the morning air - to talk a little about yoga and about our upcoming yoga camp in Spain. Before turning on…


Yoga Nidra - magical yogic dream (part 2)
At the same time, you should know that during the advancement of your consciousness you inevitably go through the sphere of hypnosis, which can disconnect you from yoga nidra. However,…


Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 4)
Muscles and skeleton: Surya Namaskar trains all the major muscles and joints of the body. The muscles contract and stretch, and all the contaminated, stagnant blood goes to the lungs…
