Yoga dictionary. Vikalpa
Translated from Sanskrit "vikalpa" means "fantasy", "imagination". In the yoga sutras Patanjali gives a detailed explanation of such phenomena as Vritti. In the Sutra of the fifth Chapter of the…

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Yoga dictionary. Vasana
According to another version, character traits are already genetically determined, and it is only possible to partially adjust the character of the child in the process of education. From the…

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Food for brain
Once, jokingly, in a 35_small_1166210243 conversation with a friend who has for many years refrained from eating meat, they brought up the "term" - an angry and kind vegetarian. "Evil"…

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Yoga dictionary. Dukkha

Patanjali in his Yoga sutras pays much attention to this. He considers such a term as “Dukha”. Also, this term is widely used in Buddhism, being one of the Central concepts of the Four Noble Truths proclaimed by the Buddha Shakyamuni. However, Patanjali considers such a phenomenon as Dukha in more detail and explains the causes.

From Sanskrit the term “Dukha” can be translated as `restless dissatisfaction`, `painful experience`, `anguish`, `unbearability`. The most popular translation for the Russian language is `suffering’, but this word does not fully reflect The essence that dukha carries. It is a deeper concept than mere suffering. Suffering often refers to specific painful experiences that arise from physical or mental discomfort. Dukha, on the other hand, means rather a tendency of the mind which arises for two reasons: because of the impermanence of the world and because of attachment to something or someone. Continue reading

About Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is a “narrowly focused” yoga, which synthesizes knowledge of modern medicine and physiology with ancient yogic knowledge about a person and is aimed at eliminating a particular disease / pathological condition – that is, yoga is used as a method of treatment. With the help of yoga exercises (asanas), breathing practices (pranayamas), purification practices (shatkarmas) – you can create a miracle to restore your body and health. All that is required is to have enough discipline to practice regularly. An hour and a half practice a day is, in my opinion, a good alternative to a scalpel or tablets, which usually “treat one and cripple the other” and have a temporary effect. Yoga therapy is a natural, natural way to restore health. Yoga therapy is literally an investment in your health and longevity. Continue reading

Oh teacher
I was recently invited again to Radio 4 in the morning air - to talk a little about yoga and about our upcoming yoga camp in Spain. Before turning on…


Jivamukti yoga
Thanks to Margot's inspired tales, earlier this year I developed an interest in tasting Jivamukti Yoga. Well-directed intention always leads to the goal. In February in London, I got to…


Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 2)
USEFUL "SIDE EFFECTS" Many diseases are directly or indirectly associated with the accumulation of toxic waste in the intestines. Shankhaprakshalana removes all contaminants from the digestive tract and thereby helps…
