Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 3)
It is worth mentioning that the Shankha-Prakshalana also frees a person from the conditions experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, toxins…

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Advaita Vedanta. The doctrine of non-duality
"Everything consists of emptiness, and form is condensed emptiness." This is what albert Einstein said at the time. The 1994 Soviet scientific film entitled "Journey to the nanoworld" reveals the…

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Yoga dictionary. Vivec
And from the absolute point of view, these concepts are very conditional. What in one situation is poison to one person is medicine to another, and Vice versa. And the…

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between sleep

Four kinds of karma

Being under the illusion that the world around us is not just hostile to us, but, moreover, unfairly hostile, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to develop. Because if a person takes the position “I am perfect, and the world is imperfect”, such a worldview concept deprives a person not only of the opportunity to develop, but also of the very meaning of such development. After all, why make efforts if the cause of suffering is the injustice of the world?

Even 2500 years ago, Buddha Shakyamuni said that disbelief in the law of karma is the most severe ignorance into which a living being can fall. In the Sutra so called, the Sutra on the law of Karma, the Buddha explains in detail to Ananda and other disciples that man himself is the cause of both his happiness and his suffering. Continue reading

Yoga dictionary. Prakriti

There is such a thing as Prakriti in the philosophy of the Sankhya school. The term is also mentioned in the Yoga sutras of Patanjali. Prakriti is considered to be the feminine aspect of the manifestation of the Universe, which in symbiosis with the masculine aspect of the Universe — Purusha — forms the universe.

Prakriti in Sanskrit means ’cause`, `matter`or ‘nature’. Prakriti is the primordial nature, the first principle of the world. When Prakriti is not influenced by the gunas, it remains in its original state. And the moment the gunas begin to affect Prakriti, the balance of the gunas is disturbed, and Prakriti begins to change — to take different forms and form the material world. Continue reading

Women’s theme

Women’s theme
What is the relationship between what is described above and a woman? Why am I writing about consciousness referring specifically to a woman? Because a lot depends on a woman. A woman has a huge influence on a man, she has great power, but, unfortunately, either does not know about this power, or does not know how to use this power. Therefore, our world is ruled by selfish men who often use female power (read – “energy”) in their interests. Remember any production, and pay attention to who usually directs the process and who is the performer of all the dirty work? On female energy, including on unrealized sexual energy, a lot of things have been created in this world. And most often women do not even suspect this. It often happens that only for the fleeting attention to herself on the part of a man can a woman be capable of tremendous self-sacrifice. But this self-sacrifice often turns into a kind of energy manipulation – a man came, gave a little attention to a woman, received everything that she was capable of from her, and disappeared for a long time … he went to spend the powers received from her on his personal affairs. Continue reading

Yoga dictionary. Vritti
More often than not, the mind is either in a state of experiencing the past or planning for the future. This forces a person to experience many times again the…


Yoga dictionary. Vicara
And there are many levels of answer to this question. Can be called nationality, gender, profession, last resort, any personal quality. And most people are satisfied with this explanation, creating…


Between us girls .... On the practice of yoga on critical days
At some intervals, I encounter the need to explain to beautiful yogis about practice on critical days. There are many opinions, many myths about this. I hope that my opinion…
