Ashtanga yoga with Lino Miele
July 7-9, I was fortunate enough to participate in the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, in Haapsalu, at a summer camp with Lino Miele. I would like to share some impressions.…

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Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 2)
USEFUL "SIDE EFFECTS" Many diseases are directly or indirectly associated with the accumulation of toxic waste in the intestines. Shankhaprakshalana removes all contaminants from the digestive tract and thereby helps…

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Yoga Nidra - magical yogic dream (part 3)
REVIEWS ON THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF A NIDRA YOGA In fact, everything presented in this article can be found on the Internet or in the book of S. S. Sarasvati…

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accumulate energy

Four kinds of karma

Being under the illusion that the world around us is not just hostile to us, but, moreover, unfairly hostile, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to develop. Because if a person takes the position “I am perfect, and the world is imperfect”, such a worldview concept deprives a person not only of the opportunity to develop, but also of the very meaning of such development. After all, why make efforts if the cause of suffering is the injustice of the world?

Even 2500 years ago, Buddha Shakyamuni said that disbelief in the law of karma is the most severe ignorance into which a living being can fall. In the Sutra so called, the Sutra on the law of Karma, the Buddha explains in detail to Ananda and other disciples that man himself is the cause of both his happiness and his suffering. Continue reading

About consciousness. About personal choice. About a female subject. About Tantra and family relationships.

About consciousness
What is primary, being, or consciousness

This eternal philosophical question is directly related to our life. Being is the conditions in which we live. Being includes everything – the place of residence, the surrounding material environment, finances, the people around us. Any observant person can easily notice that among the materially wealthy people, not all people with good inner qualities are far from being. We can say the same about unsecured people. One can cite as an example the life of a criminal in prison – the prison itself will not teach the criminal the true human qualities. The life of a thief in the wild can, in fact, differ little from the life of a criminal in prison. The scenery may be different – he may have a good house, a servant and security, but it will be just a well-decorated prison, because the consciousness of such people, both in the wild and in the prison, will be the same. Continue reading

The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 2)

The importance of asanas in yoga practice
So, yoga classes begin with oneself, with one’s lifestyle and with a restructuring of one’s thinking. Yoga is primarily an internal individual work and there are no competitors in it, since only a person himself can show his life whether he is engaged in yoga or not. However, the third stage of yoga is asana, the use of various body positions. What are the different positions of the body used for? In order to enable the internal, hidden reserves of the human body. This step is used when the student subsequently wants to move on to more powerful internal practices. This stage is auxiliary, it helps to generate internal energy in order to subsequently safely and painlessly go to the next stages of yoga practice. In India, a ha-tha yoga system was invented for this purpose, in Tibet there is another, Tibetan yoga, there is also Chinese qi-gong gymnastics, which is also essentially a Chinese form of yoga. All kinds of martial arts came, in essence, from this source. Continue reading

Yoga Nidra - magical yogic dream (part 1)
Do you agree with the statement that relaxation for modern Westerners is an art that needs to be learned? Or are you convinced that relaxing means coming home, leaning back…


Yoga dictionary. Purusha
This is the original pure consciousness of the universe, which contemplates the female aspect-Prakriti. Purusha in interaction with Prakriti and under the influence of the gunas begins to create the…


Yoga dictionary. Viparea
Everything is conditioned by the perception of the one who experiences this or that event. The perception of reality is influenced by the so - called "Vritti"-fluctuations of the mind,…
