YIN YOGA. What it is?
What is yin yoga? Yin yoga is a passive practice, based on a sequence of asanas that are maintained over long periods of time (from 2 to 20 minutes). Due…

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Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 1)
This complex, amazing in its effect on the body and psyche, is an integral part of any yoga practice. Different yoga schools may have slightly different performance. Swami Satyananda Saraswati…

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About Mantras
The phrase "singing mantras" usually causes an uninitiated or (uninitiated) person to give a wry smile and distrust + resistance: "no, no, I'm not some kind of fanatic, I won’t…

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specific conditions

Briefly about the main directions and types of yoga

Hatha Yoga is the yoga of the body. The word hatha consists of two syllables – ha and tha. The syllable ha means “the sun,” and the syllable tha means “the moon.” Hatha yoga is aimed at achieving harmony between the solar and lunar aspects of our existence – balancing Yin and Yang energy through work with the physical body and consciousness. This is a system of physical, respiratory and mental exercises, developed in ancient times by the sages of the Rishis as a means of rejuvenation, and for long practice in long meditations

Popular styles of hatha yoga today include:
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Founder of Sri Pattabhi Jois. This is a dynamic practice that will make you sweat with exert physical and mental strength. Asanas are performed in ligaments-sequences (vinyasas) together with breathing, energy locks (bandhas), concentration of sight and attention. Continue reading

About consciousness. About personal choice. About a female subject. About Tantra and family relationships.
About consciousness What is primary, being, or consciousness This eternal philosophical question is directly related to our life. Being is the conditions in which we live. Being includes everything -…


Yoga dictionary. Kaivalya
In the modern world there are many interpretations of this concept. Freedom can be on the economic level, mental, material, spiritual and so on. In most cases, when it comes…


Yoga dictionary. Vicara
And there are many levels of answer to this question. Can be called nationality, gender, profession, last resort, any personal quality. And most people are satisfied with this explanation, creating…
