Yoga practice in varicose veins
What is varicose veins Varicose disease is a common disease that manifests itself in the form of deformation of the venous vessels and disorders of the venous valves, which leads…

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Why are rituals needed in life?
Previously, in ancient times people didn’t even go hunting for a mammoth without a ritual - without some symbolic action that carries a certain meaning. It is the conscious meaning…

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The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 1)
In order to achieve any goal, you need to clearly see this goal in front of you. Therefore, in order for the practice of yoga to be fruitful, you need…

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Yoga dictionary. Purusha

This is the original pure consciousness of the universe, which contemplates the female aspect-Prakriti. Purusha in interaction with Prakriti and under the influence of the gunas begins to create the material universe. Purusha in its original state is beyond the influence of the gunas. This state is called Nirguna.

“Purusha” in Sanskrit means ‘spirit’. In the Yoga sutras, Patanjali Purusha is represented as the original pure consciousness of the living entity, the attainment of which is the goal of yoga. In this case, it is not quite correct to talk about the attainment of this state as the achievement of something. The original nature of the living entity is not something that can be achieved or cannot be achieved. This primordial state of consciousness is already present in everyone, and it is only under the influence of the modes and individual karma of each living being that the illusion of Ego is created. Continue reading

Complex “Surya Namaskar” – Salutation to the Sun (part 2)

Without synchronization between breathing and movement, exercise loses many of its beneficial properties.

3. Mantras: each of the twelve positions of Surya Namaskar corresponds to a special mantra. Mantras are combinations of syllables, sounds or phrases comprehended by ancient sages and widely known in India for millennia. These special sounds, through the power of their vibrations, exert a subtle, but powerful and profound effect on the mind and body. When performing Surya Namaskar, in each position aloud or silently, the corresponding mantra is pronounced. When Surya Namaskar is combined with proper breathing and these “bija” mantras (seed sounds), the mind and intellect receive a boost of energy. The bija mantras create vibration, and it is it that gives rise to energy. Continue reading

YIN YOGA. What it is?
What is yin yoga? Yin yoga is a passive practice, based on a sequence of asanas that are maintained over long periods of time (from 2 to 20 minutes). Due…


Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 1)
Shankha (Skt. Shankha) - means “mollusk shell”, prakshalana (Skt. Prakshalana) - complete washing, purification. Shankha-Prakshalana (SHP) - the practice of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Ancient people were observant: mollusks wash…


Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 3)
Beneficial action An obvious feature of Surya Namaskar is that it is an exercise for the whole body. The back bends back and forth, arms and legs bend and straighten,…
