Yoga Nidra - magical yogic dream (part 3)
REVIEWS ON THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF A NIDRA YOGA In fact, everything presented in this article can be found on the Internet or in the book of S. S. Sarasvati…

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Yoga dictionary. Vikalpa
Translated from Sanskrit "vikalpa" means "fantasy", "imagination". In the yoga sutras Patanjali gives a detailed explanation of such phenomena as Vritti. In the Sutra of the fifth Chapter of the…

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Ashtanga yoga with Lino Miele
July 7-9, I was fortunate enough to participate in the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, in Haapsalu, at a summer camp with Lino Miele. I would like to share some impressions.…

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rational consciousness

Yoga Nidra – magical yogic dream (part 1)

Do you agree with the statement that relaxation for modern Westerners is an art that needs to be learned? Or are you convinced that relaxing means coming home, leaning back in an armchair, closing your eyes … Maybe splashing something relaxing in a glass or turning on a relaxing TV / computer? Many believe that it is enough to go to bed and relaxation will come automatically. But why, then, having overslept a seemingly sufficient number of hours, do you wake up tired and broken? Stress becomes habitual, we stop noticing it until it “shoots” with increased pressure, asthma, an ulcer or other bad sore. Thoughts, anxieties and worries are brewed in the head even at night, burdening dreams. Yogis call this dream “Nidra.” But there is another type of sleep, free of burden – this is YOGA NIDRA or yogic dream or “dream without dreams” as it is also called. Continue reading

Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 3)
It is worth mentioning that the Shankha-Prakshalana also frees a person from the conditions experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, toxins…


Yoga dictionary. Vairagya
This is the phenomenon on which all suffering in the material world is based. Being attached to objects of pleasure, to the comfort zone, to a habitual state of Affairs,…


Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (part 1)
What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga? P49A6399 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic practice, which includes sequences of asanas, interconnected by sets of movements - vinyasas, and performed together with Ujayi-pranayama…
