About consciousness. About personal choice. About a female subject. About Tantra and family relationships.
About consciousness What is primary, being, or consciousness This eternal philosophical question is directly related to our life. Being is the conditions in which we live. Being includes everything -…

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Yoga Nidra - magical yogic dream (part 2)
At the same time, you should know that during the advancement of your consciousness you inevitably go through the sphere of hypnosis, which can disconnect you from yoga nidra. However,…

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Ashtanga yoga with Lino Miele
July 7-9, I was fortunate enough to participate in the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, in Haapsalu, at a summer camp with Lino Miele. I would like to share some impressions.…

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complex tantric techniques

Yoga blocks and their superpowers

The bricks are used to “raise the floor”, bring it closer to the student and thereby facilitate the presence in the asana.

And now more specifically: what gives the use of yoga blocks?

1. The correctness of the detuning

Often, when we really want to touch the floor, for example in Parshvottanasana (link), and the flexibility is not enough, we end up sacrificing safety and bend the back.

Ambitions-1, the right fulfilling asanas-0. Is it worth risking the lower back? Hardly.

Placing the blocks under the hands changes this situation: we get a stable support and carefully work out the asana without forcing events. Continue reading

About the destruction of the consciousness of men and about alcohol

About the destruction of the consciousness of men and about alcohol.
Let’s look at specific life examples. Namely, what we can now observe in our society.

For certain reasons, for certain purposes, some forces invented alcohol and introduced it everywhere, all over the world. A man who drinks beer, or wine, or vodka, thinks that he is relaxing, but in fact he is gradually losing his mind. And this unreasonable state over time becomes natural, familiar and pleasant for a man. A man does not know how to relax without alcohol, he becomes DEPENDENT. The introduction and widespread advertising of alcohol through TV and the media has led to the fact that the most conscious part of humanity – men – began to depend on it for alcohol. The point of introducing alcohol is that alcohol cloudes a person’s consciousness, makes him heavy and dull, and over time can completely destroy it. Continue reading

Yoga Nidra – magical yogic dream (part 1)

Do you agree with the statement that relaxation for modern Westerners is an art that needs to be learned? Or are you convinced that relaxing means coming home, leaning back in an armchair, closing your eyes … Maybe splashing something relaxing in a glass or turning on a relaxing TV / computer? Many believe that it is enough to go to bed and relaxation will come automatically. But why, then, having overslept a seemingly sufficient number of hours, do you wake up tired and broken? Stress becomes habitual, we stop noticing it until it “shoots” with increased pressure, asthma, an ulcer or other bad sore. Thoughts, anxieties and worries are brewed in the head even at night, burdening dreams. Yogis call this dream “Nidra.” But there is another type of sleep, free of burden – this is YOGA NIDRA or yogic dream or “dream without dreams” as it is also called. Continue reading

Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 2)
USEFUL "SIDE EFFECTS" Many diseases are directly or indirectly associated with the accumulation of toxic waste in the intestines. Shankhaprakshalana removes all contaminants from the digestive tract and thereby helps…


Food for brain
Once, jokingly, in a 35_small_1166210243 conversation with a friend who has for many years refrained from eating meat, they brought up the "term" - an angry and kind vegetarian. "Evil"…


Yoga Nidra - magical yogic dream (part 3)
REVIEWS ON THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF A NIDRA YOGA In fact, everything presented in this article can be found on the Internet or in the book of S. S. Sarasvati…
