About Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy is a "narrowly focused" yoga, which synthesizes knowledge of modern medicine and physiology with ancient yogic knowledge about a person and is aimed at eliminating a particular disease…

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Food for brain
Once, jokingly, in a 35_small_1166210243 conversation with a friend who has for many years refrained from eating meat, they brought up the "term" - an angry and kind vegetarian. "Evil"…

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About Mantras
The phrase "singing mantras" usually causes an uninitiated or (uninitiated) person to give a wry smile and distrust + resistance: "no, no, I'm not some kind of fanatic, I won’t…

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Shankha Prakshalana – yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 1)

Shankha (Skt. Shankha) – means “mollusk shell”, prakshalana (Skt. Prakshalana) – complete washing, purification. Shankha-Prakshalana (SHP) – the practice of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Ancient people were observant: mollusks wash their shell, sucking and pushing water out with muscular effort. The common name for SHP is translated as “Shell gesture”. The SH procedure consists of drinking salted water, performing a series of special exercises that push water through the digestive tract until it is evacuated through the anus, and following the instructions for a subsequent diet that ensures the formation of pristine microflora. Thus, this is a natural, reliable, simple and soft method removing accumulated toxins and cleansing the entire digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. Continue reading

Yoga Nidra - magical yogic dream (part 3)
REVIEWS ON THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF A NIDRA YOGA In fact, everything presented in this article can be found on the Internet or in the book of S. S. Sarasvati…


Yoga blocks and their superpowers
The bricks are used to "raise the floor", bring it closer to the student and thereby facilitate the presence in the asana. And now more specifically: what gives the use…


Yoga dictionary. Prakriti
There is such a thing as Prakriti in the philosophy of the Sankhya school. The term is also mentioned in the Yoga sutras of Patanjali. Prakriti is considered to be…
