About the destruction of the consciousness of men and about alcohol
About the destruction of the consciousness of men and about alcohol. Let's look at specific life examples. Namely, what we can now observe in our society. For certain reasons, for…

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About Mantras
The phrase "singing mantras" usually causes an uninitiated or (uninitiated) person to give a wry smile and distrust + resistance: "no, no, I'm not some kind of fanatic, I won’t…

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The purpose of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga Patanjali (part 2)
The importance of asanas in yoga practice So, yoga classes begin with oneself, with one’s lifestyle and with a restructuring of one’s thinking. Yoga is primarily an internal individual work…

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intellectual analysis

Food for brain

Once, jokingly, in a 35_small_1166210243 conversation with a friend who has for many years refrained from eating meat, they brought up the “term” – an angry and kind vegetarian. “Evil” is one who condemns people who eat meat and is constantly trying to convert everyone to their faith. A “good” vegetarian – does not go on crusades to meat-eaters, only by example, showing the world all the benefits and bonuses of clean food. I always referred to the “good” vegetarians. For I believe that before this it is necessary to mature, and the transition to a new diet should be absolutely stressless. In general, my motto has always been and remains “If you can’t eat meat, don’t eat.” And here on the site vyasa.ru I come across the brochure “Food for the mind.” Continue reading

Standing on nails: benefits and harms
"Disease comes as quickly as a wall falls, and leaves as slowly as silk is unwound," says an ancient Eastern wisdom. The problem is that any disease first manifests itself…


About the Vedas. About future
About the Vedas. About future. As I wrote earlier, the Vedas describe the laws and rules of human life and society. These rules are based on the laws of the…


Yoga dictionary. Dukkha
Patanjali in his Yoga sutras pays much attention to this. He considers such a term as "Dukha". Also, this term is widely used in Buddhism, being one of the Central…
