Yoga dictionary. Kaivalya
In the modern world there are many interpretations of this concept. Freedom can be on the economic level, mental, material, spiritual and so on. In most cases, when it comes…

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Yoga paired - a new degree of freedom
On Saturdays, we pay practical attention to working in pairs. Yoga with a partner is not just a "fun", it is a deep spiritual, I am not afraid of the…

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Four kinds of karma
Being under the illusion that the world around us is not just hostile to us, but, moreover, unfairly hostile, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to develop. Because if a…

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Food for brain

Once, jokingly, in a 35_small_1166210243 conversation with a friend who has for many years refrained from eating meat, they brought up the “term” – an angry and kind vegetarian. “Evil” is one who condemns people who eat meat and is constantly trying to convert everyone to their faith. A “good” vegetarian – does not go on crusades to meat-eaters, only by example, showing the world all the benefits and bonuses of clean food. I always referred to the “good” vegetarians. For I believe that before this it is necessary to mature, and the transition to a new diet should be absolutely stressless. In general, my motto has always been and remains “If you can’t eat meat, don’t eat.” And here on the site I come across the brochure “Food for the mind.” Continue reading

Yoga dictionary. Vicara
And there are many levels of answer to this question. Can be called nationality, gender, profession, last resort, any personal quality. And most people are satisfied with this explanation, creating…


Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 3)
It is worth mentioning that the Shankha-Prakshalana also frees a person from the conditions experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, toxins…


Yoga dictionary. Vicara
And there are many levels of answer to this question. Can be called nationality, gender, profession, last resort, any personal quality. And most people are satisfied with this explanation, creating…
