Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 3)
Beneficial action An obvious feature of Surya Namaskar is that it is an exercise for the whole body. The back bends back and forth, arms and legs bend and straighten,…

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Briefly about the main directions and types of yoga
Hatha Yoga is the yoga of the body. The word hatha consists of two syllables - ha and tha. The syllable ha means "the sun," and the syllable tha means…

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Yoga dictionary. Vasana
According to another version, character traits are already genetically determined, and it is only possible to partially adjust the character of the child in the process of education. From the…

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Yoga Nidra – magical yogic dream (part 3)

In fact, everything presented in this article can be found on the Internet or in the book of S. S. Sarasvati “Yoga Nidra”. The most valuable source will still be practical experience, and your own. However, it is always interesting to know, “how does it happen with others?”
Two yoga nidra practitioners shared their experiences:
Irina describes her experiences after two sessions of yoga nidra.
“Nidra, as I understand it, is staying in a state between sleep and reality, wandering in the back streets of the subconscious. For two times I was “abused” ad libitum. It’s hard to describe, as if you were watching some incoherent film. Continue reading

Between us girls .... On the practice of yoga on critical days
At some intervals, I encounter the need to explain to beautiful yogis about practice on critical days. There are many opinions, many myths about this. I hope that my opinion…


Yoga dictionary. Vikalpa
Translated from Sanskrit "vikalpa" means "fantasy", "imagination". In the yoga sutras Patanjali gives a detailed explanation of such phenomena as Vritti. In the Sutra of the fifth Chapter of the…


Yoga dictionary. Purusha
This is the original pure consciousness of the universe, which contemplates the female aspect-Prakriti. Purusha in interaction with Prakriti and under the influence of the gunas begins to create the…
