Yoga Nidra - magical yogic dream (part 2)
At the same time, you should know that during the advancement of your consciousness you inevitably go through the sphere of hypnosis, which can disconnect you from yoga nidra. However,…

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Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 1)
Shankha (Skt. Shankha) - means “mollusk shell”, prakshalana (Skt. Prakshalana) - complete washing, purification. Shankha-Prakshalana (SHP) - the practice of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Ancient people were observant: mollusks wash…

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Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (part 2)
Vinyasa Vinyasa is a way of synchronizing breathing and movement. There is one breathing cycle per movement. For all asanas, a certain amount of vinyasas is established. The purpose of…

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Monthly Archives: October 2017

About Mantras

The phrase “singing mantras” usually causes an uninitiated or (uninitiated) person to give a wry smile and distrust + resistance: “no, no, I’m not some kind of fanatic, I won’t sway and sing gibberish like these strange people.” To get rid of any fear, Knowledge helps best. For it is Strength. Knowledge is also light, because it dispels the darkness of ignorance. Why are many frightened and embarrassed by mantras? – because it is “something alien”, and most importantly – incomprehensible. So let’s try to figure it out.
First, a dry reference. The word “Mantra” from Sanskrit is translated as “a tool for the implementation of a mental act.” These are sacred hymns written in the ancient sacred language of Sanskrit. Continue reading

Why are rituals needed in life?

Previously, in ancient times people didn’t even go hunting for a mammoth without a ritual – without some symbolic action that carries a certain meaning. It is the conscious meaning that makes the rituals useful, effective and very, very necessary.
Thinking about the rituals, 2 large general categories emerge:
1. Rituals – “Transitions”
2. Rituals – “Anchors”.
Rituals – “Transitions” – meaning not pedestrian, but transitions from state to state.
A kind of mystical, invisible door to another reality, to a new round of the spiral of development. Continue reading

Powerful Karma Cleansing Meditation
Now, at the end of the lunar cycle - it is especially good to do various purification practices - both for the body and for consciousness. We share with you…


Yoga blocks and their superpowers
The bricks are used to "raise the floor", bring it closer to the student and thereby facilitate the presence in the asana. And now more specifically: what gives the use…


Ashtanga yoga with Lino Miele
July 7-9, I was fortunate enough to participate in the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, in Haapsalu, at a summer camp with Lino Miele. I would like to share some impressions.…
