Yoga dictionary. Vairagya
This is the phenomenon on which all suffering in the material world is based. Being attached to objects of pleasure, to the comfort zone, to a habitual state of Affairs,…

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About Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy is a "narrowly focused" yoga, which synthesizes knowledge of modern medicine and physiology with ancient yogic knowledge about a person and is aimed at eliminating a particular disease…

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Yoga dictionary. Vicara
And there are many levels of answer to this question. Can be called nationality, gender, profession, last resort, any personal quality. And most people are satisfied with this explanation, creating…

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sequence is mastered

Yoga dictionary. Vasana

According to another version, character traits are already genetically determined, and it is only possible to partially adjust the character of the child in the process of education. From the point of view of yoga, the soul, incarnating in the body, already brings with it the experience of past lives, which is stored in the form of karmic prints or “Samskaras” in the mind of every living being. Sets of karmic prints form the so-called Vasanas. And these Vasanas largely determine the development of the living entity. Vasanas can be manifested only in favorable conditions, so we can not say that the presence of Vasana is a predetermined destiny of man, which can not be changed.

The word “vasana” is translated from Sanskrit as `impression` or `predestination`, the literal translation of the word — `give fragrance` or `aromatize`. Just as a fragrance can permeate the clothing in which a person is dressed, so vasana “permeates” the mind of a person with a quality or inclination. Continue reading

Ashtanga yoga with Lino Miele

July 7-9, I was fortunate enough to participate in the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, in Haapsalu, at a summer camp with Lino Miele.

I would like to share some impressions. Haapsalu, of course, is ideal for such events – a cozy and calm city, fresh air, especially after the rain … Evening promenade at sunset, under the cries of seagulls, in an airy high spirits after a day of practice. Here is a photo mood:

A bit about Ashtanga Yoga. The founder of the style is considered to be Sri Pattabhi Jois. Actually, “Ashtanga” – is translated as the “octal path” and is based on the 8-step yoga proposed by the sage Patanjali, who wrote the “bible” of yoga – Yoga Sutras. Continue reading

Complex "Surya Namaskar" - Salutation to the Sun (part 1)
This complex, amazing in its effect on the body and psyche, is an integral part of any yoga practice. Different yoga schools may have slightly different performance. Swami Satyananda Saraswati…


Yoga dictionary. Vairagya
This is the phenomenon on which all suffering in the material world is based. Being attached to objects of pleasure, to the comfort zone, to a habitual state of Affairs,…


Oh teacher
I was recently invited again to Radio 4 in the morning air - to talk a little about yoga and about our upcoming yoga camp in Spain. Before turning on…
