Shankha Prakshalana - yogic practice of bowel cleansing (part 3)
It is worth mentioning that the Shankha-Prakshalana also frees a person from the conditions experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, toxins…

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Oh teacher
I was recently invited again to Radio 4 in the morning air - to talk a little about yoga and about our upcoming yoga camp in Spain. Before turning on…

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Why are rituals needed in life?
Previously, in ancient times people didn’t even go hunting for a mammoth without a ritual - without some symbolic action that carries a certain meaning. It is the conscious meaning…

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Complex “Surya Namaskar” – Salutation to the Sun (part 1)

This complex, amazing in its effect on the body and psyche, is an integral part of any yoga practice. Different yoga schools may have slightly different performance.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati writes in his book Surya Namaskara:

Surya Namaskar:

– fills the whole body with energy,
– eliminates all signs of drowsiness
– perfectly prepares the body and mind to get the most out of
subsequent asanas, pranayama, meditative techniques, etc. Continue reading

Yoga dictionary. Vivec
And from the absolute point of view, these concepts are very conditional. What in one situation is poison to one person is medicine to another, and Vice versa. And the…


Why are rituals needed in life?
Previously, in ancient times people didn’t even go hunting for a mammoth without a ritual - without some symbolic action that carries a certain meaning. It is the conscious meaning…


Yoga dictionary. Dukkha
Patanjali in his Yoga sutras pays much attention to this. He considers such a term as "Dukha". Also, this term is widely used in Buddhism, being one of the Central…
